Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Products >> Bio Enhanced Range >> Bio-Enhanced EPO
~As a dietary supplement
~Relieving Pre-menstrual syndrome
~Improving skin conditions (esp. atopic eczema, dermatitis and acne)
~Reducing joint swelling & tenderness in rheumatoid arthritis
~Boosting the immune system
22 minim oblong clear natural soft gelatin capsule clear pale yellow solution fill. Each Bio-Enhanced capsule contains 1000mg of Evening Primrose Oil equivalent to 90mg Gamma-linolenic acid ( GLA ) in Bio-Sol base.
As a dietary supplement
~Derived from natural source of Evening Primrose with 9% of GLA content, which is the most active source of GLA and proven with higher bio-availability
~Readily 100% emulsified EPO in a proven unique patented Bio-Sol technology, for enhanced absorption
~Convenient daily dosing for maximal GLA absorption & benefits
One capsule daily, or as directed by physician
Erm hr nie saya teman my mum in law g farmasi buy ubt dier plus ngan ubt batuk dier...cian dier btuk siang mlm. Smbil teman dia ble ar sy cuci mata kat farmasi tue utk find supplement yg sesuai utk diri sy...2 bnda sy kn amek klu sy ttk beratkan diri sy iaitu multivitamin + epo(evening primrose oil)...yup absolutetly must take...
Sebab-sebab kena amek...
~tak mkn sayur(so gantian la)
~utk tenaga
~utk kesihatan
~slalu senggugut
~utk kulit
~keseimbangan hormon
*nie yg slalu jd pd sy...org len x tahu tp ask doc dl before used...;)peace
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