Thursday, 4 June 2009
ATTENTION TO ALL FRENZ !!! missyaimi moved again... will be closed to moved to another lepaz nie klu nak chat or nak comment papa sila lewati blog nie yg terakhir n missyaimi x kan moved lagi lorrr. Blog nie akan missyaimi abadikan sebagai kenangan k....peace ;)
Labels: eTc...
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Salam pada suma kengkawan yg mengenali Rusnizah @ Rus, sila click : utk melihat pic baby Rus. p/s : blog nie underconstruction
Labels: etc
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Beg nie sy buy kat Alor Stall Mall...time tue sy p servis keta n sementara nak wait keta siap sy ajak my hubby jejln kat c2...n sy mulalah mencuci mata sehingga tertangkap oleh mata design beg nie kat Pacific...palagi duk pujuk my hubby belikan...akhirnya br lah dapat...thanks to my beloved husband.
Dua beg kat ats nie sy buy kat Pdg Besar, harganya berpatutan tp kena pandai tawar menawar...Sy rembat 2 skali coz satu yg colorful tuh sy ble bwk g jejln coz cnang nak match n yg lagi satu tuh kombinasi kolor gold tue sy ingt nak lenjan tuk bw keja ja...hehe...(dah ada org minta jual kat dia tp sy msh pkirkan coz dah berbln-bln sy find diz pattern...kebetulan hari tue nmpak AR(cik muni)sy bw so sy ask dia n dia kata kat Pdg jd teruja sekejap coz sy mmg dok find pattern tuh. Setiap kali sy p yg tinggal pattern yg sy kureng mnt. Al-kisahnya beg...;p
Labels: BeG~BaG~HaNDBaG
Dulu sy pernah cuba menggunakan Hygiene Wash dr brand AVON tp x sesuai sehinggakan sy terpaksa jumpa dr pakar kulit kerana terdapat iritasi selepas penggunaan so sy stop tuk jangka masa yg lama...coz doc tue ckp "klu tak pnh pkai baik jgn apply". Skrg bila sy dah married sy mula berfikir tuk menjaganya semula. Kebetulan my kazen yg kat langkawi tuh dia mmg pkai produk HPA n then dia dok promote sy pkai so sy jd teringin tuk mencuba...Sabtu lepaz sy ke Alor Star utk servis kereta. Sementara wait keta habiz servis sy ngan my hubby p jejln area Alor Stall Mall n terjumpa stokis HPA kat c2. Apalagi sy truz ajak my hubby g buy Lady Cheer nih... My hubby ckp klu x sesuai jgn nak pkai nnti ntahla hati sy nak jugak try n alhamdulillah setakat hari nie dah mula berminat nak mengetahui tentang produk2 yg ada kat HPA nie...U all suma ble baca direction dia kat bwh...
Rumusan istimewa daripada ekstrak SIREH dan MANJAKANI bertindak membersih bahagian kewanitaan anda secara semulajadi agar lebih segar, harum dan yakin sepanjang hari.
Kelebihan Produk :
1. Merawat keputihan
2. Merawat kegatalan pada bahagian vagina
3. Melancarkan perjalanan haid
4. Penyubur kandungan wanita
5. Mengecut dan merawat kembali vagina
Kelebihan Herba :
Sireh (Piper betel)
1. Merawat keputihan dengan merencatkan perkembangan kulat (Candica Albican) penyebab keputihan.
2. Antiseptik untuk mengubati gatal dan alahan pada kulit serta ruam.
3. Melancarkan perjalanan haid dan penyubur kandungan/rahim wanita.
Manjakani (Croton caudatum)
1. Sebagai elemen perawat dinding vagina.
2. Membuang lendir dan partikal asing pada vagina.
3. Menstabilkan pH vagina.
4. Mengecutkan vagina serta merawat kembali saluran peranakan.
5. Membantu metabolisma dengan mengekalkan Vitamin E pada epidermis.
Serapat (Parameria laevigata)
Merawat saluran peranakan dengan mengimbangi pH serta keasidan vagina.
Labels: LaDy's CaRe
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Majlis Perasmian Bangunan PEMUDA & WANITA UMNO Bahagian Kangar wif AWEERA
2 comments Posted by m!sSy a!m! at 3:21 pm
Labels: CeReMoNy
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Jumaat lepaz 08/05/09, saya, my hubby n adik bergegas blk ke kg coz my grandma sakit. Abah ngan mak dah p dulu. Memula my parents ckp nak p sehari ja but last minute my mum call n suh we all balik kg...coz lepaz kawen smpai ke hari nie sy blum lg bawa my hubby blk kg abah kat Kg Belak, Pantai Chenang, Langkawi. So sy truz call my hubby n discuz bout that n my hubby ckp ok kita balik. So kami pun apalg lpz blk keja ja truz pack my bj n everything yg nak bw blk kg tp x dilupa bj spare utk mandi laut. Hehehe...X lupa pd Anim n her's cute lil prince...auntie Aimi nak blk la...nnti jumpa tau ;). Dpt tau ja sy nak blk Anim menyibukkan diri utk amek kami kat jeti tp sy ckp tak perlu coz abh ngan mak dah standby dah kat jeti....sowiey... Kami naik ferry kul 7.00mlm n smpai kul 8.00 mlm...Smpai kat jeti truz abh ngan mak bw mkn kat Pantai Chenang kat Restoran 'Rose Tea'. Restoran nie milik Pak Long Lik sy... Lepaz mkn my mum n me bercadang nak wat spa kat Thai Spa yg da kat c2 tp abh ngan my hubby dah cancel la...
Malam smpai sempat juga singgah kat rumah tok sedara anta mak ngan abh n adik. Depa tdo n my hubby tdo kat rmh tok...nak bg adil lor...Esoknya pepg lg sy ke rumah tok sedara amek mak ngan abh berpindah ke rumah tok abh plak. Kami rancang nak mandi laut kul 12.00tghr. Smpai kat pantai ombak kuat coz air tgh nak pasang...kami wait sat tgk klu ombak slow ckit tp my hubby tak takut langsung coz dia nie pantang jumpa pantai ja kira nak dia still lagi beware. Hati panas ja tgk air pasang...dlm 15 mnt kami wait ombak dah mula ok ckit tp my hubby dah ada dlm laut dah...siap berenang ke tengah. Dia ckp jgn mandi kat sisir pantai mai mandi kat dlm ckit br tak rasa ombak kuat...pandaila dia tuh...Memula adk turun n then sy turun dan lastly diikuti oleh my mum...champion berenang zaman remaja dulu...Sy mmg x pandai berenang so sy mandi x smpai tgh pun. Dlm dok mandi sy kn hempas ngan ombak smpai muntah2 la coz tertelan air masin laut yg mmg masin lah...uweksss. Apalagi surrender la...Kami habiz mandi kul 2.20ptg.
Surrender la...naik pening kepala, pedih mata n mcm2 lagi la...
Sempat rakam cara2 nak wat naik bot ke darat...
Nie br lepaz cont mandi kat rumah n ptg kul 4.00 shopping timeee
Kami suma dah ready nak p shopping...kebetulan sok Hari Ibu plak...dlm kepala nak blanja mak mkn. Sy n my hubby p Kuah naik motor my kazen coz kami nak rasa angin langkawi. Mak, abh n adik naik keta...Memula kami smpai kami p Idaman suri n then br p Haji Ismail Group...byk gak barang yg sempat dirembat dan sudah semestinya cadar benda wajib yg akn sy rembat.
Minat gila ngan set modern english kat ats nie...blum da rmh lagi mls nak kumpul.
Mak ngan adik sibuk pilih pinggan mangkuk...zaki pulak kena bw barang n my mum tak sah klu tak buy handbag br...cian my hubby kn bawa barang...
Hasil yang dirembat oleh kami anak beranak...apa yg penting...caaadaaar
Cari abah x jumpa...niela abah klu ajak shopping hilang ja...
Kami plan ajak mak mkn char keow teow kat Temoyong...sempena Hari Ibu....
Nie kasut yg sempat di rembat time shopping semalam kat Sunrise, Kuah.
Dah nak balik dah...
We all njoy sgt balik kg...nnti balik lg tp nak ajak mak mentua plak...peace ;p
Labels: MeMoRy / MoMenT
Sebelum ni saya guna nie utk my skin...
Let´s keep things nice and clean. This oil-free foaming cleanser fights bacteria to help keep skin clearer and more beautiful. Cleansing agents gently remove oil, dirt and makeup without over-drying. You skin is left looking clean, noticeably clear, and at the top of its game.
Foaming Facial Cleanser works to remove dirt, oil and make-up. The rich lather is oil-free and leaves skin feeling soft and refreshed. It contains Triclosan, an ingredient that fights problem-causing bacteria.
Active Ingredients
Triclosan 0.25% (Antiseptic)
Inactive Ingredients
BHT, Butylparaben, C9-15 Alkyl Phosphate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Ethylparaben, Fragrance, Glycerin, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Lauric Acid, Methylparaben, Myristic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Propylparaben, Red 40, Triethanolamine, Water, Yellow 10
But now sy used dia item for my skin....absolutely ok for my skin
Total Effects Daily Moisturizer
For those concerned about multiple signs of aging, this daily facial moisturizer provides the benefit of 7 anti-aging therapies in 1 formula.
1. Line Minimization: Reduces the appearance of fine wrinkles
2. Nourishing Moisturization: For a radiant, healthy glow
3. Tone Enhancement: Balances color & reduces appearance of age spots
4. Gentle Exfoliation: Smoothes and evens skin texture
5. Pore Refinement: Minimizes the appearance of pores
6. Free Radical Defense: Helps prevent damage to skin's surface
7. Subtle Lifting: Hydrates for firmer skin appearance
Visibly younger-looking skin with an appearance that's more resilient to aging.
It provides the total anti-aging power of moisture fused with vitamins and anti-oxidants.
- Dermatologically tested
- Non-Comedogenic (won't clog pores)
- Oil-free and Fast-Absorbing
Smooth on clean face and neck. Gentle enough for everyday use. Designed to replace your moisturizer and specialty skin care products.
Liquid Neutrogena®
Liquid Neutrogena® is pure and gentle cleansing for clean, clear, healthy-looking skin.
This glycerin-rich facial cleanser contains no harsh detergents. It removes excess oil and then rinses clean--without leaving any pore-clogging residue.
~Get clean, clear, healthy-looking skin with Liquid Neutrogena®.
~Clean rinsing
Labels: eTc...
Friday, 8 May 2009
Thank again to k.lily coz give me diz award...coz entry yg lepaz k.lily bg fact bout color...n then bg award pic tue plak...K.lily, for ur info skunk nie amy ska enter Byk bnda nice kat c2...amy ska fokus kat perfume n handbag...neway thanx again...;)
Labels: aWaRD's
If your birthday is on...... December 23rd ~ January 1st = Red January 2nd ~ January 11th = Orange January 12th ~ January 24th = Yellow January 25th ~ February 3rd = Pink February 4th ~ February 8th = Blue February 9th ~ February 18th = Green February 19th ~ February 28th = Brown March 1st ~ March 10th = Aqua March 11th ~ March 20th = Lime March 21st ~ Black March 22nd ~ March 31st = Purple April 1st ~ April 10th = Navy April 11th ~ April 20th = Silver April 21st ~ April 30th = White May 1st ~ May 14th = Blue May 15th ~ May 24th = Gold May 25th ~ June 3rd= Cream June 4th ~ June 13th = Grey June 14th ~ June 23rd = Maroon June 24th ~ Grey June 25th ~ July 4th = Red July 5th ~ July 14th = Orange July 15th ~ July 25th = Yellow July 26th ~ August 4th = Pink August 5th ~ August 13th = Blue August 14th ~ August 23rd = Green August 24th ~ September 2nd = Brown September 3rd ~ September 12th = Aqua September 13th ~ September 22nd = Lime September 23rd ~ Olive September 24th ~October 3rd = Purple October 4th ~ October 13th = Navy October 14th ~ October 23rd = Silver October 24th ~ November 11th = White November 12th ~ November 21st = Gold November 22nd ~ December 1st = Cream December 2nd ~ December 11th = Grey December 12th ~ December 21st = Maroon December 22nd ~ Teal ******************************************************** *RED* Cute and lovable type, You are picky but always in love... and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times. Capable with people nice, soft, and that can love you or the way you are. Likes people that are easy to talk to, and can make you feel comfortable. *CREAM* Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go or a long time. *TEAL* You are mostly interested in your looks. And have high standards in picking love. You think and make a solution precisely, and hardly make stupid mistakes. You like to lead, and is easy for you to make new friends. *GREY* You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up peoples day. You know what to say at the right time, and you have a good sense of humor. *GREEN* You get along well with new people. You are not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single, waiting for the right person. *GOLD* You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time. *PINK* You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and c are for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale. *YELLOW* You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people, and have a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. And always dreaming of romantic relationship. *MAROON* You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to make things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble for not thinking about other people's feelings. But you be patient when it comes to love.. Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love. *ORANGE* You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach and you really work hard to get there, you are competitive. Your friends are really important to you and you appreciate what you have, you sometimes over react that's because you are sensitive. *PURPLE* You are mysterious, never selfish and get interested in things easily. Your day can be sad or happy depending on your mood. You are popular between friends but you can act stupid at times, and forget things easily. You go for a person that's trustworthy. *LIME* You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little things. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a capable personality for everyone to trust you and like you. *SILVER* You are imaginative and fun, you love trying new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily, you're easy to talk to and you give good advice. When comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever. *BLACK* You are challenging, and have the "guts". But you don't like changes in your life.. And once you make a decision, you keep it that way for a long time. Your love life is also challenging, and different. *OLIVE* You are warm and light hearted. You seem to flow well with friends and family. You don't like violence and know what's right. You are kind and cheerful, but don't envy other people easily... *BROWN* You are active and sportive. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. But once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily as well. *BLUE* You may have low self-esteem, and can be very picky. You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you let your love pass by, by loving with your mind, not your heart. *NAVY* You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong feeling towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, its hard for you to forgive them. *WHITE* You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes weird, but everyone loves that in you. *AQUA* Your feelings change suddenly and easily. You are always lonely, and like traveling. You are truthful, but listen and believe other people too easily. It's hard to find love for you, and get lost in love easily, Sometimes get hurt by love. p/s : thank to k.lily(dazzlinglily) for diz fact. Just want to share n make a fun. Klu nak tau detail bout color click unk maklumat selanjutnya.
Labels: sSyH...
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Orang kata aku lahir dari perut mak...
(bukan org kata...memang betul)
Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku.... mak
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku.... mak
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku.. .. mak
Kata mak, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut.... Mak
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari.... mak
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang .... mak
Bila nak bermanja, aku dekati.... mak
Bila nak bergesel, aku duduk sebelah.... mak
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya.... mak
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku.... mak
Bila merajuk, yang memujukku cuma.... mak
Bila melakukan kesalahan, yang paling cepat marah.... mak
Bila takut, yang tenangkan aku.... mak
Bila nak peluk, yang aku suka peluk.... mak
Aku selalu teringatkan .... mak
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon.... mak
Bila seronok, orang pertama aku nak beritahu..... mak
Bila bengang... aku suka luah pada... mak
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil... "mmaaakkkk! "
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah.... mak
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga.... mak
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu.... mak
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau.... mak
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. mak
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku.... mak
Kalau balik ke kampung, yang selalu bekalkan ulam & lauk pauk..... mak
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku.... mak
Yang selalu berleter kat aku... mak
Yang selalu puji aku.... mak
Yang selalu nasihat aku.... mak
Bila nak kahwin..Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk..... mak
Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri...
Bila seronok, aku cari....pasanganku
Bila sedih, aku cari.... mak
Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku
Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada.... mak
Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku
Bila berduka, aku peluk erat.... emakku
Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku
Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah.... mak
Bila sambut valentine.. Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku
Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan “Selamat Hari Ibu”
Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku
Selalu.. mak ingat kat aku
Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak talipon mak
Selalu...aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk emak
"Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja... bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk mak?
mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah".
Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya........
Tapi kalau mak sudah tiada..... .....
Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....
Berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya.....
Berapa ramai yang sanggup mengantikan lampin ibunya.....
Berapa ramai yang sanggup membersihkan najis ibunya.......
Berapa ramai yang sanggup membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya....
Berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....
Dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya......
Seorang anak mendapatkan ibunya yang sedang sibuk menyediakan makan malam di dapur lalu menghulurkan sekeping kertas yang bertulis sesuatu. Si ibu segera mengesatkan tangan di apron menyambut kertas yang dihulurkan oleh si anak lalu membacanya.
Kos upah membantu ibu:
1) Tolong pergi kedai : RM4.00
2) Tolong jaga adik : RM4..00
3) Tolong buang sampah : RM1.00
4) Tolong kemas bilik : RM2.00
5) Tolong siram bunga : RM3.00
6) Tolong sapu sampah : RM3.00
Jumlah : RM17.00
Selesai membaca, si ibu tersenyum memandang si anak sambil sesuatu berlegar-legar si mindanya. Si ibu mencapai sebatang pen dan menulis sesuatu di belakang kertas yang sama.
1) Kos mengandungkanmu selama 9 bulan - PERCUMA
2) Kos berjaga malam kerana menjagamu - PERCUMA
3) Kos air mata yang menitis keranamu - PERCUMA
4) Kos kerunsingan kerana bimbangkanmu - PERCUMA
5) Kos menyediakan makan minum, pakaian, dan keperluanmu -PERCUMA
Jumlah Keseluruhan Nilai Kasihku - PERCUMA
Air mata si anak berlinang setelah membaca apa yang dituliskan oleh si ibu. Si anak menatap wajah ibu, memeluknya dan berkata,
"Saya Sayangkan Ibu". Kemudian si anak mengambil pen dan menulis "Telah Dibayar" pada mukasurat yang sama ditulisnya.
"Jika kamu menyayangi ibumu, fahami semuanya jgn hanya sekadar membaca...renungkanlah betapa besarnya pengorbanan seorang insan yang dipanggil ibu, mak, ummi, mama atau apa saja...
Labels: MuTiaRa KaTa